1. Content Creation

  2. Design

Pre Production


Post Production

  1. Lighting

  2. Stage

  3. Sound

  4. Graphics

  1. Equipment (a/v)

  2. Labor

  3. Videography

  4. Customer Service

  1. Special Effects

  2. Show Management

  3. Photography

  1. Viral Marketing

  2. Web Design

  3. Promotional Design

  4. Copy Writing

  1. Online Advertising

  2. Blog Design

  3. SEO & Promotion

Don’t Wonder Productions is a full service production company specializing in video, sound and lighting for live events, in addition to content creation, we are a one stop shop for all of your production needs.

We can help you with your pre-production design and engineering as well as content creation to full production services for your events. In addition, we also assist in post event viral marketing and other post event marketing solutions.

“Don’t Wonder Productions has made my life/working atmosphere easier!!

Their dedication and results driven approach to our projects have made them someone you can rely on.”

Rick Espinosa (senior account manager)

Drew Poley and Don’t Wonder Productions have supported me on countless events and tradeshows. Drew and his team are a very level headed group of Audio/Visual and Theatrical master craftsmen.

Drew’s cost conscience approach and programmatic thinking to crossing every “T” and dotting every “I” is invaluable to every production. I highly encourage you to use Don’t Wonder Productions if you would like to take your production to the next level.

Bill Ganz, President/CEO

More Media Group

"Complicated lecture material incorporating audio sound bites, still images and video clips are skillfully organized by Drew and Don't Wonder Productions.

He blends numerous electronic components with ease for presentations that come off seamlessly. There's a reason my programs are often standing room only and it's because of Drew and Don't Wonder Productions. 'Don't leave home without him' is my motto!"

Bret Parsons

Author "Architect Gerard Colcord"

Vice President Platinum Capital

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Copyright © 2015 Don't Wonder Productions, Inc.
562.997.7289 - Office
562.997.7282 - Fax
Corporate Office
1600 E. 29th St. Unit A
Signal Hill, CA 90755
Santa Barbara Office
165 Canon View Dr.
Santa Barbara, CA 93108

Ventura Office
381 S. Brookshire Ave.
Ventura, CA 93003